The automotive industry is rapidly advancing and relies heavily on a vast number of readily available electronic components. Cars and other types of vehicles are evolving and so is the advanced technology demanded by consumers. 结果是, automotive industry suppliers often have trouble sourcing parts due to component shortages. VRG Components® are experts in finding hard-to-find parts in short supply. 由于我们强大的全球网络, we can quickly source the right components for your project that others cannot.
VRG Components can help you secure the vast number of electronic components used by the automotive industry. Our services help our customers fulfill their toughest sourcing challenges to maintain production requirements within the industry. Electronic components for this industry are used in passenger cars, 摩托车, 商用车辆, 还有装收音机的卡车, 音频系统, 巡航控制系统, GPS导航系统, 仪器面板, 备份相机, 自动停车系统等等.